Source code for scripts.NodeC

#! /usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: NodeC
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Python module for the second assignment of Research Track I course
.. moduleauthor:: Manuel Delucchi

A more detailed description of the node:

This node prints the robot speed and the distance from the desired target

Subsribes to:

import rospy
import math

from assignment_2_2022.msg import RobotMsg

[docs]def callback_subscriber(msg): """ Function that calculates the distance between the robot and the goal and the speed of the robot *Args*: *msg(RobotMsg)*: Contains the coordinates and velocity of the robot """ # Get the desired position from the ROS parameter server des_pos_x = rospy.get_param("des_pos_x") des_pos_y = rospy.get_param("des_pos_y") # Calculate the distance between the current and the desired position distance = math.sqrt(pow(des_pos_x - msg.x, 2) + pow(des_pos_y - msg.y, 2)) # Calculate the velocity vel = math.sqrt(pow(msg.vel_x, 2) + pow(msg.vel_y, 2)) # Print distance and velocity print("Distance to the goal: ", distance) print("Average speed: ", vel)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Init the Node rospy.init_node("NodeC") # Setting the rate of publishing chosen in launch file freq = rospy.get_param("freq") rate = rospy.Rate(freq) # Subscribe to the RobotMsg topic and pass the info to the callback function rospy.Subscriber('/pos_vel', RobotMsg, callback_subscriber) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() # Keep the node running rospy.spin()